Spiers is Not the Only One Snorting “White Powder”: Start Drug Testing ALL Politicians, Police, Judiciary, and Government Department Heads ASAP


After recently resigning from his position as South Australian opposition leader, David Spiers began publicly sledging the rest of his Liberal Party cohorts.

Lo and behold, shortly after this, footage emerged of Spiers snorting a white powder off a plate on his kitchen benchtop. The video was filmed on June 30 of this year.

The video footage shows Spiers snorting powder from a plate through a rolled-up $5 note.

No-one will come right out and accuse Spiers, but the implicit allegation is that he was snorting cocaine, an illegal drug.

The story has attracted national media coverage.

Spiers’ first response was to claim that the footage was a “deep fake”.

New Liberal leader Vincent Tarzia called his adversary’s bluff, and told Spiers if this were the case, he should report the matter to the police.

In response, Spiers said his mental health was suffering and that he was taking a break.

It is fair to say that most people do not believe Spiers’ version of events.

What fewer people realise is that David Spiers is hardly the only taxpayer-funded entity snorting white powders up his nostrils.

South Australia’s political, judicial and administrative class are very, very fond of ingesting white powders emanating from South America’s north-eastern region.

That includes one of the Labor politicians who has been vocal in criticizing Spiers after the video was made public. This politician is widely known to be an enthusiastic cocaine consumer and should strongly consider the wisdom of the old adage “people in glasshouses shouldn’t throw stones”.

The legal profession in Australia has long been a major patron of the cocaine trade, and this includes the judiciary, many of whom are very avid consumers of the drug.

These disgusting hypocrites are fuelling a trade which causes an incredible amount of violence, murder and misery in Latin America.

There should be zero tolerance for anyone portending to uphold law and order who uses illicit or mind-altering substances.

All the cops, politicians, judiciary and bureaucrats who object to accusations that their professions are rife with drugs should put their money where their mouths are and agree to undergo regular, unnanounced drug testing at all hours, just like athletes in drug-tested codes are required to do.

Unlike cops, politicians, judiciary and bureaucrats, athletes don’t have the power to pass laws that can affect millions of people, point guns at and arrest people, or impose punishments on people.

In light of allegations that SA police union bosses Mark Carroll and Steve Whetton considered getting tanked on red wine during lunch to be far more important than assisting members suffering PTSD, all politicians, cops, judiciary and upper level public servants should also have their blood alcohol concentration routinely tested while at work.

All the above professions get paid extremely well to make decisions that affect the rest of our lives, often with disastrous consequences. Therefore there should be absolutely no excuses and no objections to the immediate implementation of regular testing, monitored by an independent civilian body.

Of course, these professions will vigorously object to regular unannounced drug and alcohol testing, citing violations of their privacy and human rights. Interesting how our ever-shrinking privacy and human rights don’t matter to these pampered leeches, isn’t it?

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