Despite Rampant Malfeasance, Only 17 SAPOL Employees Disciplined Over Past Year
If you are a deviant or aspire to be a criminal who can commit crimes with impunity, you can't do...
If you are a deviant or aspire to be a criminal who can commit crimes with impunity, you can't do...
The geniuses from SAPOL have done it again. On Friday January 19, they deliberately staged a car crash on Port...
Earlier this year, Liberal MLC Heidi Girolamo filed a FOI request seeking information on the amount of money SAPOL had...
Take a good look at the character above: His name is Sergeant Timothy John Schroeder, badge # 44015, another sad...
Adelaide motorcyclist Theo Glibo was out riding recently when one of South Australia's unfinest pulled him over and slapped him...
By SAPOL's very own definition, Darren Paul Vance is a selfish prick. The South Australia police officer was caught driving...
In November 2013, Superintendent Christine Baulderstone (above), drove her car into pedestrian Sharon Smith. A parliamentary hearing heard that Baulderstone...
A SAPOL officer crashed his patrol car into a cyclist while on duty, then failed to report the incident or...
A scooter rider is demanding compensation and an apology from SA Police after an officer’s reckless and illegal driving caused...