Useless SAPOL Goons Harassing Innocent Man After Poorly Trained ‘Drug Detection’ Dog Gives False Alert


If you’ve ever wondered why crime is rising and why there never seems to be cops around when you actually need them, it’s because they’re too busy acting like jerks and harassing innocent people.

In this video, Jason Scott is walking through the Adelaide Railway Station with his bike, doing nothing wrong, when a sniffer dog lunges at his bicycle.

Jason is then approached by SAPOL cop #73815, an Irish import accompanied by a number of home-grown goons.

Like all SAPOL cops, #73815 refuses to give his name when lawfully required to do so, so we’ll just call him Officer Ugly Bastard. He tells Jason “that’s a passive alert drug detection dog” but it’s obvious the dog hasn’t been trained very well, because bicycles can’t do drugs.

Of course, SAPOL cops are pretty dumb, so Officer Ugly Bastard declares that he is going to search Jason.

Officer Officer Ugly Bastard states at 0:40 “I believe you’ve gone through this with one of my colleagues last week”. Jason disputes this and when he asks for clarification, Officer Ugly Bastard changes the subject.

But let’s pretend Officer Ugly Bastard thought in his own mind his colleagues really did search Jason the week before. It would mean Jason had already been bailed up by them after their badly-trained dog gave a false passive alert. Not to be deterred, Officer Ugly Bastard and his merry band of boofheads then proceed to do what they do best: Harass an innocent person who has done nothing wrong and who has no drugs on him.

This process of harassing an innocent man requires several cops being paid way too much and achieving absolutely nothing of benefit.

Officer Ugly Bastard isn’t very bright, because after Jason repeatedly asks for his name he replies, “I’m confused” (5:15).

Another telling moment occurs at 5:49, when Jason demands the officer with the dog provide his ID, as he is lawfully required to do. Cop #75790 reluctantly gives his ID number, then in an attempt to regain some semblance of authority, and jealous that his dog seems to like Jason more than him, snaps “now step away from my dog”.

This is how the idiots at SAPOL spend so much of their time: Harassing non-criminals, achieving absolutely nothing of benefit except to annoy innocent people and make them feel victimized. The idiots then wonder why the public is becoming increasingly hostile towards them.

Well done SAPOL, on once again proving that you should be defunded, dismantled and replaced with a law enforcement agency that isn’t full of useless, corrupt, power-tripping malevolents.

Why don’t you clowns get a properly-trained sniffer dog, and take it up the road to Parliament House? You’ll get much better results there.

Footage courtesy Jason Scott, starring the following overpaid cops:

TOP LEFT: SAPOL cop # 73815 (repeatedly beaten with the ugly stick in Ireland, now taking out his frustrations on innocent Australians)
TOP RIGHT: SAPOL cop # 75790 (butt hurt cop with poorly-trained dog who mistakes bicycles for drugs)
BOTTOM LEFT: SAPOL cop # 76610 (like most cops, tries to unlawfully hide his identity, then reluctantly gives only his ID number after repeated requests)
BOTTOM RIGHT: SAPOL cop # 76875 (to be fair, 76875 seems more interested in surfing the Internet than in harassing innocent commuters, but this hardly justifies an annual salary of ~$100,000).

Visit Jason’s channel at for more examples of taxpayer funded oxygen thieves harassing a law-abiding person they don’t like.

For more footage of SAPOL cops acting like jerks and caught doing things they shouldn’t be, don’t forget to also visit our YouTube channel at

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