Pedo Ex-Cop Robert Charles Warland Receives Friendly Slap on Wrist After Sexting 14 YO Boy


Career SAPOL cop and dirty old pedo, Robert Charles Warland

Australia’s pedophile protection system is alive and well.

Robert Charles Warland, the 72 year old retired SAPOL cop guilty of sexting a 14 year old boy, has escaped without penalty.

In what was obviously a predetermined decision, Judge Michelle Sutcliffe rewarded Warland with no jail sentence.

South Australian law prohibits suspended or home detention sentences for sexual offenders. But instead of sending Warland off to jail, Judge Michelle Sutcliffe used this as a loophole to allow Warland to escape unpunished.

His only ‘punishment’ was the non-penalty of a 2-year good behavior bond. If Warland breaches the conditions of his bond, he doesn’t get locked up – he will just be asked to pay $2000.

There was absolutely no excuse for Warland’s offending. When sending the lewd messages, he knew the boy was only 14.

Warland spent his entire career at SAPOL. While spending your entire career in government is a great way to become useless, it is no excuse for trying to molest kids. As a career cop, Warland knew full well what he was doing was illegal and very wrong.

Police, government officials and members of the judiciary who break the law should automatically receive double the maximum penalty that would be given to a civilian offender. These groups enjoy excellent salaries and privileges not available to ordinary people. Their explicit role is to uphold law and order. If they choose to violate the trust and privilege that has been endowed upon them, they should be given the harshest possible penalties to ensure they see the error of their ways.

Instead, Warland escaped with essentially no penalty.

Judge Rationalizes Away Warland’s Sex Offending

There is no good reason to let a groomer like Warland off scott-free, so Judge Michelle Sutcliffe came up with a lot of bad ones.

In justifying her gift to Warland the Pedo, Sutcliffe claimed “You were not attempting to make the victim amenable to sexual activity, but to continue to engage in further sexual conversation”.

This claim would best be described as total bullshit, because Warland had already plead guilty to the charge of “communicating with the intention of procuring a child for sexual activity.”

Sutcliffe then said to Warland, “your offending was opportunistic.”

As if opportunistic sex offending is somehow OK.

She gaslighted victims of sex predators by claiming “children needed to be protected from their own ‘immature’ decisions.”

No, children need to be protected from the evil decisions of filthy pedophiles.

Warland blamed the “terrible, dark secret” of his “unresolved homosexuality” for his offending – a rubbish excuse if ever there was one.

Warland was not on trial because he preferred willies to women. Homosexuality is not a crime.

If a heterosexual man molests an underage girl, no-one in their right mind would blame it on his “unresolved heterosexuality”.

Once again, Warland’s crime was not being gay. His crime was sexting an underage person with the ultimate goal of molesting that minor.

Sutcliffe repeated Warland’s alleged mental health history and “complex post-traumatic stress”.

Every bloody time a cop gets into strife, we are subjected to the old PTSD excuse. SAPOL cops sure get a lot of mileage out of that one. But if there are so many cops with PTSD, then the force really needs a thorough gutting, because mentally ill people have no business being endowed with powers of arrest and allowed to walk around with guns and tasers.

Sutcliffe parroted Warner’s claim that he had been repeatedly traumatised during his 43-year police career but dealt with it only through camaraderie – leaving him “lonely and isolated” after retirement.

Other professionals – such as ambos, nurses, emergency physicians and surgeons – experience even more trauma on the job. Yet they don’t go molesting kids to let off steam.

Lots of people also feel lonely after retirement, but they don’t send disgusting messages to young teens. What they usually do is join community groups and clubs. Wait, Warland (like many pedos) was already a member of numerous community organisations. Sounds to us like his “lonely and isolated” excuse is just another lie.

“You have pedophilic orientation which is amenable to treatment … I accept you have good prospects for rehabilitation,” said Sutcliffe, ignoring the fact that pedophiles have poor rehabilitation prospects.

Numerous studies have found rehabilitation programs for sex offenders have little to no impact on reoffending rates.

According to a study conducted by the U.S. Bureau of Justice Statistics in 2016, nearly 20% of sex offenders released from prison in 2005 were rearrested for a new sex crime within three years of their release. Unlike Warland, who got a friendly slap on the wrist, these were offenders who did time in American jails, where sentiment towards “chomos” and “chesters” is not very forgiving.

A long-term follow-up study of sex offenders by Canadian researchers found abusers of non-familial children had the largest number of both convictions and charges dropped. Along with exhibitionists, they also had the highest rate of reoffending. When undetected crimes were included, a frightening 94% of the extra-familial child sexual abusers reoffended.

This shows pedophilia is not an “opportunistic” phenomenon, but either an inherent trait from which children need extra-vigilant protection.

Warland does not have unresolved homosexuality – he has unresolved pedophilia, which should see him locked up in a facility where has no chance of interacting with minors.

That will never happen because Australia’s judiciary, government and police forces are full of sex offenders and child molesters. They don’t like sending their own to jail, so the courts repeatedly go easy on both sex offenders and police offenders.

Further evidence that sexual aberration runs in the Warland bloodline comes from the retired pedo’s son Jay Michael Warland, a current SAPOL cop and senior detective at SAPOL’s Special Crimes Investigation section.

Jay Michael Warland came to our attention last year after he posted creepy, homoerotic material of other men on his social media.

It seems Warland junior has his own “unresolved homosexuality” issues.

The Australian System Loves Pedos, Because the Australian System is Full of Pedos

Contrast Warland’s fortune with that of Richard Warner, who himself was sexually abused as a child.

Warner set up a YouTube channel called “Adelaide pedo hunter” and posted videos of his confrontations with men he had lured online in 2017 while posing as an underage boy.

He was doing the job the pedo protectors at SAPOL should be doing. PEDOPOL initially charged him with assault, even though he never bashed any of the pedos he exposed. As part of a plea deal which saw prosecutors withdraw an assault charge, Warner pleaded guilty to using a carriage service in a harassing or offensive way.

For this, he received a criminal conviction.

Unlike the kid gloves treatment afforded to Warland, the magistrate presiding over Warner’s case was nowhere near as forgiving.

Magistrate Paul Foley ignored the plea by Warner’s lawyer for a conviction not to be recorded.

Foley did not care that Warner had been abused as a child. “[I]t does not amount to extenuating circumstances for using a carriage service to publish information, which clearly led to the identification of the other person and his residence,” claimed Foley.

If pedos don’t want themselves and their addresses published online, how about they leave kids the hell alone?

The courts have spoken: Here in sicko Australia, luring and exposing pedophiles is a bigger crime than actually BEING a pedophile!

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