Jay Michael Warland, Detective Son of Alleged Pedo Cop Robert Charles Warland, Posts Creepy Pictures on Facebook

As reported elsewhere on this website, Robert Charles Warland, 71, is a retired SAPOL cop who was recently charged with one count of communicating to make a child amenable to sexual activity.
His son, Jay Michael Warland, is a current SAPOL officer and, according to media reports, a senior detective at SAPOL’s Special Crimes Investigation section.
You would think a senior police detective in this situation would be highly embarrassed by his father’s behaviour, and would be at pains to distance himself by acting in the most professional manner at all times.
Which makes Warland junior’s behaviour on social media rather curious. Here are some questionable pictures he has publicly posted to Facebook:
The male in the above pictures is not Warland, but an individual posting on Facebook as Cameron Macleod. His account profile is pictured below, the faces of the children and unfortunate dog have been blurred to protect their identities and prevent them from further embarrassment.
Why is Warland posting creepy, homoerotic material of other men on his social media?
Is this the level of professionalism and morality the South Australian public can expect from a senior detective?
Why is SAPOL employing people who post phallic imagery of another male holding a beer bottle where most other males have a pee pee?
Is this appropriate, in light of SAPOL’s longstanding problems with sexual harassment and creepy, misogynistic behaviour?
Why is this tolerated by a police force that claims it is trying to make SAPOL a more female-friendly place?
As a senior detective, Warland would surely hold a clearance to work with vulnerable populations, including children. Again, is this appropriate behaviour for someone with that type of clearance?
It is mind-boggling that, after his father was arrested on pedophilia-related charges, someone would think it’s ok to display this kind of material on their social media pages.
Perhaps Warland thinks that by using his first and middle name only, he can fool people and evade scrutiny of his actions.
However, his account is linked to that of his wife, which bears their surname. Her account also directly reveals her husband’s surname, as shown below.
This, apparently, is the level of intellect we can expect from our ‘elite’ crime fighters here in South Australia.
No wonder crime is running out of control.
Warland’s full name is also listed in a 2016 Oaths (Appointments) Proclamation. Other illustrious graduates of SAPOL’s Class of 2016 include Scott Philip Tampalini, hit-and-run driver Anthony David Jonathan Skewes, butt-groper Scott William Osborne and drug-dealer/kiddie-porn viewer Thomas James Booker.