SAPOL Cop Adam Troy Zauch Appears in Court on Drug Trafficking Charges


Yet another member of the drug dealing, brothel-extorting and pedophile-protecting syndicate known as South Australia Police has appeared in court.

This time it’s 37 year-old current officer Adam Troy Zauch, of Somerton Park.

It is alleged he trafficked in a controlled drug in the Adelaide CBD on February 16, 17, 18 and March 3 and 4.

The drug Zauch was alleged to be dealing is cannabis.

Zauch made his first appearance in the Adelaide Magistrates Court on Wednesday.

Zauch has yet to plead to five counts of trafficking in a controlled drug.

Police allege he was arrested by detectives from the Anti-Corruption Section in April, and was himself a serving SA Police officer at that time.

In court on Wednesday, prosecutors asked for a 12-week adjournment in order to finalise their case and present a brief of evidence to the Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions.

Zauch was remanded to face court again in September. He did not comment as he left court. When reporters approached him, the loudmouth SAPOL attitude was gone, he pretended to be a mute and immersed himself in his phone before crossing the road with a male companion.

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