SAPOL Sinks to Disgusting New Low By Charging 13YO Autistic Boy With “Possessing Extremist Material”

In a desperate attempt to appear relevant and deflect attention from the fact they are a bunch of useless, miscreant, rapist, extortionist, pedo-protecting thugs, the clowns at SAPOL have hit a new low.
Never one to shy away from enabling child abuse, on July 4 SAPOL charged a child with “possessing extremist material”.
SAPOL – the organization where morons post pictures of semi-naked women to its mugshot database and draw penises inside their female colleagues’ hats, and where scumbags guilty of indecent assault get elected to head the police union – is now policing what you read.
There is no allegation from the thought police at SAPOL that the boy was in any way planning or engaging in a terrorist act, the prevention of which is supposedly the purpose of the draconian laws forbidding access to “extremist” material.
“Extremist” meaning anything our corrupt, self-serving government doesn’t approve of. Because the real purpose of these laws is not to prevent terrorism, but to impose increasing controls and restrictions on people’s behaviour.
If the government and SAPOL were really concerned with preventing extremist and terrorist behaviour, they’d start locking up violent police goons instead of colluding with the courts to have them acquitted.
The 13-year-old boy, who is yet to enter a plea, is severely autistic and able to communicate only at the level of a three-year-old.
Meaning he is incapable of properly comprehending the allegedly “extremist” material, incapable of understanding why it may be harmful, and in all probability completely unaware that by possessing the material he was breaking the laws of our increasingly draconian country.
This is in stark contrast to the adult criminals at SAPOL, who know full well what they do is wrong – which is why they deliberately lie in their reports and affidavits.
If a child is accessing or in possession of potentially harmful material, this is a matter for parents and qualified counselors, not a bunch of jack-booted thugs who get a stiffy from breaking people’s doors down and raiding children’s bedrooms.
At a July 11 hearing in the Adelaide Youth Court, Joseph Henderson asked the court to free his client of any bail obligations, and told prosecutors he intended to argue the charges should be withdrawn unless they could prove the boy was aware his actions were criminal in nature.
“Doli incapax is a very live issue in respect to this matter,” Henderson said.
“I understand that at present there is no evidence to rebut the presumption of doli incapax.”
Doli incapax is the common law principle that a child aged under 14 cannot be held criminally responsible for their actions.
“I should also say that my ultimate position in fact is that my client should not be living on bail at all, I say that because doli incapax is an element of the offence that the prosecution need to rebut,” Henderson said.
“The appropriate position would be for the prosecution to withdraw the charge and relay it once they have the evidence they need to establish the charge.”
SAPOL prosecutors, a horrendous breed of liars if ever there was one, argued the boy should still be constrained to the original conditions of his bail, claiming he is not only a risk to the community, but to himself.
They claimed they were concerned for the teen’s mental health because he was “susceptible to negative influence”.
And what better way to show your concern for the mental well being of a severely autistic boy than to traumatize him and his family by hitting him with charges he doesn’t understand, as the malevolents from SAPOL did?
Magistrate Tracee Micallef said she did not have reason to withdraw the boy’s bail altogether, but advised prosecutors they were now “on notice” to provide evidence of doli incapax.
So the clown show continued, with the boy remanded on continuing bail to face court again in August.
On Wednesday, August 21, Marie Shaw KC, representing the boy, said the process of charging her 13-year-old client was “doomed to fail” from the start.
“The proceedings are an abuse of process, doomed to fail and oppressive,” Shaw told the Adelaide Youth court.
“The objects (for this court) as not to traumatise the child by process, when there is no dispute that he is on the spectrum.”
“There is material to be submitted relating to the conduct of police on arrest in relation to this child that all informs the process of charging.”
Magistrate Alison Adair said the application filed to the court, and set for argument, was “very different” from the submissions made by Shaw.
After a short adjournment, an application was filed for Adair to recuse herself of hearing the application to stay proceedings.
“The fair-minded lay observer may be of the view I would not determine the application as framed seven minutes ago by Ms Shaw in a fair way,” Adair said
“In my view, the application described by her does not reflect the application as filed, nor the material that has been referred to.
“Nonetheless to remove any difficulty that might arise from that position I am prepared to recuse myself from hearing this application.”
Ms Shaw’s application arose from what was intended to be a hearing into the doli incapax principal.
Adair’s recusal means the application would next be heard by a different youth court judicial officer in Christies Beach.
So once again, the clown show rolls on, traumatizing an autistic boy barely into his teens and costing the taxpayers a fortune while a bunch of useless liars create disingenuous arguments in a pathetic attempt to justify their existence.
Meanwhile, if your house is burgled, expect SAPOL to tell you they don’t have enough “units” to visit your house to investigate.
If you’re a taxi driver and someone does a runner, SAPOL won’t help you.
If you need help apprehending a shoplifter, expect to be ignored by SAPOL.
If you are manning a service station and see someone do a drive-off, SAPOL won’t do a thing.
If you observe and publicly shame two deviants having sex on a public beach in front of children, SAPOL will harass you and not the deviants.
SAPOL are an absolute disgrace, a complete waste of taxpayer money.
Boy, 13, should have terror charges withdrawn because he’s under the age of criminal responsibility, court hears. The Advertiser.
Marie Shaw KC calls charging autistic 13-year-old boy with extremist material possession ‘oppressive’. The Advertiser.