The Idiots From SAPOL Finally Drop Charges Against Innocent Security Guard

vince palumbo

Martial arts expert and security guard, Vince Palumbo, has finally had ridiculous ‘offensive weapon’ charges against him withdrawn.

The charges arose from an incident at an inner-west shopping centre in October last year, after Vince noticed a young autistic male behaving erratically. With over forty years’ experience in the security industry, Vince had already surmised the young lad was in the midst of a mental health incident. His intention was to calm the young male, not to attack or forcefully restrain him – and no-one has presented a whit of evidence to suggest otherwise.

Despite this, the boy’s mother began screaming like a lunatic, making false accusations that Vince was going to attack her son. A nearby busybody whipped out his phone and began filming Vince while falsely accusing him of carrying a retractable baton.

Perhaps they would have preferred SAPOL – whose response to mental health incidents frequently includes the use of physical violence, tasers and the occasional fatal shooting – to deal with the boy?

To add to the absurdities, Vince had already received written permission from SAPOL to carry the short, non-retractable baton.

“Vince had sought consent from SAPOL to carry the baton three years ago and was told in writing by the firearms branch that it was OK,” said Independent MLC Frank Pangallo.

The 59-year-old has since left his job providing protection at Romeo’s Foodland, saying he doesn’t feel safe without the 20 cm wooden baton.

This will be a great loss. Unlike SAPOL, who often ignore or take hours to respond to emergency callouts at retail outlets, Vince is a true first responder whose actions have probably saved lives.

Since being reported, Vince apprehended two armed suspects, one who was threatening staff with a machete and another who approached him with a screwdriver and a knife outside a Romeo’s store.

“We had to call the police six times when we had a bloke threaten us with a machete, but they never came out,” he said.

The cowards at SAPOL were probably too busy snorting drugs, groping their colleagues, performing brainless PR car-crushing stunts, posting sexually deviant content on social media, covering up child molestation within the Department of Child Protection, and receiving therapy to treat their post-horn toot PTSD.

Here at, we have been reliably informed of a recent incident at the Gilles Plains McDonalds store involving a feral, drug affected customer who was screaming abuse and threatening physical violence towards the young staff members. The Holden Hill police station – a very evil and corrupt establishment staffed by very useless morons – sits directly across the road from the fast food outlet. Yet it took the cops three hours to respond. That is how long it takes for a bunch of totally useless, grossly overpaid wankers to finish their donuts and waddle their lazy arses across North East Road.

Vince said it was only a matter of time before someone was killed in a South Australian shopping centre.

“I promised myself that what happened at Bondi would never happen to me. I need to go home to my family,” he said.

“I have the right, like everyone on this earth, to protect myself.”

“If the cavalry isn’t coming, I’ll be my own cavalry.”

After being slapped with the offensive weapon charge, Vince repeatedly tried contacting SAPOL to remind them it was the same weapon they had already allowed him to carry.

They wouldn’t answer his calls.

Had the idiots at SAPOL continued with the prosecution, Vince faced a maximum penalty of a $2500 fine or six months behind bars if found guilty.

“It’s just so hurtful seeing my wife and daughter in tears, as they think I’m going to jail,” Vince told The Advertiser prior to the charges being dropped.

“I bust my arse everyday to protect people, I work hard and this is what they do to me.

“I’ve been treated like a criminal when I haven’t broken any laws, they’ve put me through hell.”

Pangallo said the decision to drop the charges against Vince – who he correctly described as “a person of great integrity” – was the right thing to do.

“Common sense has prevailed with SA Police telling security guard Vincent Palumbo that they will drop offensive weapon charges for carrying a lightweight wooden baton,” Pangallo wrote on Facebook.

Vince began studying stick-fighting decades ago and was a protege of Philippine Eskrima legend Grandmaster Cacoy Canete, who quickly took a liking to the young Adelaide martial artist and came to regard him as a son.

The father-of-one is a 32-time world champion in stick fighting and holds black belts in taekwondo, jiu-jitsu and judo, and has also appeared in Asian martial arts films.

He operates his own martial arts academy and, ironically, has trained police officers and special forces across Australia and Asia in how to use a baton as a defensive weapon.

Pangallo is proposing changes to legislation that would allow security guards to have beefed-up powers, including the ability to carry batons, hand cuffs and pepper spray.

They also would be able to search and detain people before handing them over to police.

Pangallo said security guards were the first line of defence across Adelaide and needed additional measures to protect the community when police couldn’t be there.

“Observing and reporting wouldn’t have been useful in a situation like the Bondi Junction attack,” Pangallo said.

“These people are running amok in our shopping centres, bottle shops, streets, as they know they can get away with it.

“These young criminals will graduate into more serious criminals if there isn’t a deterrent.”

Guards would have to undergo strict police screening and hold a valid security licence before they were given these proposed extra powers.

Pangallo said it was “ridiculous” that Vince had been reported for doing his job.

“He comes across every type of scumbag on his job, they’ve spat on him, threatened him with knives, but he essentially can’t do anything,” he said.

“You might as well convict pensioners who use walking sticks if you are going to do that.”

Careful Pangallo, don’t give the idiots at SAPOL any ideas.

SA Police did not respond to questions from The Advertiser.

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