SAPOL Assistant Commissioner Scott Duval Complains About Lenient Penalties for Youth Offenders, Nothing to Say About Lack of Punishment for Crooked Cops

scott duval

SAPOL Metropolitan Operations Service Assistant Commissioner, Scott Duval (above), claims he is frustrated by the lenient sentences given to repeat youth offenders.

However, he has nothing to say about the complete lack of punishment enjoyed by adult offenders at SAPOL, and by adult relatives of SAPOL cops.

Duval’s comments came as SA Police released their latest crime statistics showing shop thefts – which SAPOL is notorious for ignoring – continue to increase in South Australia.

Police revealed officers involved in Operation Mandrake arrested six individuals allegedly involved in four separate crime sprees in August.

The latest alleged offenders are facing dozens of charges including serious criminal trespass involving 16 residential and business break-ins.

Other charges relate to allegations of the illegal use of vehicles, using stolen credit cards and petrol theft – another crime which SAPOL is famous for ignoring.

Duval said police saw numerous examples of multiple offences being committed by individuals who have been released on bail on numerous occasions.

“They are breaking into houses, they are breaking into business premises, they are stealing cars,’’ he said.

“And they do drive at high speeds in stolen vehicles, often filming their exploits and posting to social media.”

“This activity is clearly a risk to other road users, their behaviour is dangerous and extreme.’’

The August rolling year figures reveal the number of shop thefts continued to increase with 17,956 offences reported, compared with 16,802 in the previous period.

The number of family and domestic abuse related offences reported to police continued to be high with the rolling year figures revealing 13,028 offences were reported to police. Domestic violence and sexual assault spiked to new heights around the country during the fraudulent Covid tyranny that Australian cops vigorously enforced, and has remained elevated.

While Duval expressed his frustration at the slap-on-the-wrist sentences given to repeat offenders, he had nothing to say about the incredibly lenient treatment given to SAPOL criminals and their relatives.

Duval Remains Silent on Thug Cop Benjamin Higgins

SAPOL senior constable thug Benjamin Higgins is a serial thug who repeatedly coward-attacks handcuffed individuals. In February 2017, Higgins violently slammed a handcuffed man head-first into the sharp edge of a police station counter. The assault by the gutless Higgins, which could have been fatal, left the victim with permanent brain injuries.

The filthy, disgusting, corrupt scum at SAPOL ignored Higgins’ cowardly and potentially lethal behaviour, and instead charged the victim – who was handcuffed and restrained by four officers at the time – with ‘assaulting police.’

In another coward attack incident, Higgins punched Clarence Yates while he was handcuffed and restrained by two other officers.

Instead of scolding Higgins, SAPOL commissioner Grant Stevens praised him. His officers were “allowed to use reasonable force, and it means people are going to get hurt if they try to assault a police officer,” added the tough-talking coward, blissfully ignoring the video evidence showing no threat or assault by Yates and a completely unreasonable use of force by Higgins.

Grant Stevens is so cowardly he needed over a dozen officers to accompany him to court during a legal challenge to the Covid charade he and Nicola Spurrier presided over. Stevens was so scared of the handful of peaceful protestors outside the court, that a large number of officers were diverted from their regular chores in order to hold his timid little hands as he walked into the court building.

Duval Remains Silent on Thug Cop Bradley Moyle

SAPOL is often where otherwise unemployable ex-military goons go to find a paying job. One such character is Bradley Moyle, who took it upon himself to repeatedly punch a young woman in the face after he got into a screaming match with her. The 19 year old girl, Kiara Beck was drunk and upset after having an argument with her boyfriend and losing her mobile phone.

The incredibly unprofessional Moyle completely lost his composure after being verbally challenged by a female half his size, and repeatedly struck her in the face.

Despite the gratuitous nature of his violence, he was acquitted.

Duval Remains Silent on Thug Cop Aiden Allt

On June 19, 2022, tattooed goon-turned-police officer Aiden Allt pepper sprayed a man while he was face down and restrained by several officers. He then wrapped his hand around a baton to reinforce his fist and repeatedly struck the man in the face.

Another officer tried to intervene, but the frenzied Allt pushed him away in order to continue striking the man, whose ‘crime’ was to voice his objections when he saw cops forcefully undressing a teenage girl at Elizabeth Police Station.

There was no excuse for Allt’s behaviour, but in what was clearly a pre-arranged decision, corrupt magistrate Roderick Jensen bent over backwards to make excuses for Allt, gifting him a totally undeserved acquittal. Jensen acted like he hadn’t watched or listened to the evidence, giving Reasons for Decision that were complete bullshit.

Duval Remains Silent on Linda Williams’ Rampaging Grandson

Another SAPOL-related charmer who committed serious offences and escaped without any punishment is the grandson of SAPOL deputy commissioner Linda Williams, who went on a destructive rampage on Tuesday, May 9 last year.

He crashed into several cars in a Tranmere street, then jostled with a relative and yelled, screamed and swore for 90 minutes in the street at attending officers who were reluctant to arrest the deputy commissioner’s grandson. He was finally arrested after taking a swing at officers.

Despite the serious nature of his behaviour, and the damage caused to innocent people’s vehicles, Williams’ grandson was let off scot-free by the corrupt SAPOL with an “adult caution” for what they generously described as a “mental health incident”.

Duval Remains Silent on Wade Burns

Imagine being a cop, committing a forceful indecent assault on a female colleague that was witnessed by several other people, and not only keeping your job but eventually becoming head of the Police Association of South Australia.

That’s exactly the career path enjoyed by Wade Burns , son of former SAPOL commissioner Gary Burns, who retired in 2015.

At a 2017 work-related function, Burns – married and the father of two boys – indecently assaulted a female colleague. No criminal charges were filed due to the reluctance of the victim, but Burns was found guilty of the assault at an internal SAPOL hearing.

He was not fired. Instead, he was demoted two ranks, then allowed to regain one of those ranks at a subsequent appeal.

SAPOL and Burns kept the matter secret for seven years, even failing to divulge the matter during the recent police union elections in which Burns was a candidate. It was not until halfway through the election that independent MP Frank Pangallo exposed the sordid affair under parliamentary privilege.

Burns narrowly won the election, and now heads the South Australian police union despite being guilty of indecent assault. His public comments on the matter show he is clearly unrepentant, and that the only thing he regrets is that the matter was no longer able to be hidden by himself and his corrupt employer.

Duval and SAPOL are Hypocrites

Cops complain that the courts are too lenient on youth offenders, but when grown and highly overpaid adults at SAPOL behave like sleazy, violent criminals and get no punishment at all, they suddenly have no problem whatsoever with undeserved leniency.

Are the courts too lenient on repeat violent youth offenders?


But let the record show the courts and SAPOL itself are far more lenient on rotten cops, who often escape  – not with a lenient sentence – but no punishment whatsoever, despite committing offenses that would see the rest of us serving lengthy jail terms.


Police ‘frustrated’ by repeat offending by youths out on bail as latest crime figures released. The Advertiser

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